Sunday, March 15, 2009

Yam Rice at Chai Leng Park

Wow..Yam Rice is famous food at Chai Leng Park and is culture from Teochew ppl. There have provided the "xian cai" soup which you can order as what you prefer to eat for that day. We asked the aunty put only fish balls, pork meat balls and porks, same as in the photo and then eat with the sauce provided. If you like to eat pig's organs like "gan", "fei", "shen".., you can order..
I forgot to write down the shop name, but I can show direction at where. It is located next road or opposite to Chai Leng Park post office, they have 2 shops sell yam rice but this shop is the second shop from yourright if you stand infront the post office. So should have a try on it..

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